ACL Prevent Injury and Enhance Performance Program

ACL Prevent Injury and Enhance Performance Program


WARM UP   (3 min)

Jogging butt-kicks  (2 times)

Side shuffles   (2 times)

Backwards jogging  (2 times)

Inchworms  (5 times)

Walking lunge stretches (5 times each leg)

STRENGTH   (5 minutes)

Front and side planks  (20 seconds, 2 times each)

Alternating lunges  (10 times each leg)

Russian hamstring curls  (10 times)

Single-leg heel raises  (10 times each leg)


PLYOMETRICS   (4 minutes)

Lateral hopping   (30 times)

Forward / backwards hopping  (30 times)

Squat jump and hold  (10 times)

Heisman’s   (10 times)

AGILITY   (4 minutes)

Single-leg dribbling squat  (5 times each foot)

Single-leg floor touch  (5 times each leg)

Forward run with 3-step deceleration   (30 seconds)

Diagonal run with 3-step deceleration   (30 seconds)


STRETCHING   (4 minutes)

Calf stretch   (Hold for 15 seconds, 2 times each leg)

Quadriceps stretch   (Hold for 15 seconds, 2 times each leg)

Hamstrings stretch   (Hold for 15 seconds, 2 times each leg)

Hip Flexor stretch   (Hold for 15 seconds, 2 times each leg)

Exercise Instructions

WARM UP   (3 min)


Jogging butt-kicks  (2 times)

            Slow jog sideline-to-sideline while kicking butt with heels.  Keep leg straight throughout, don’t whip foot to the side or allow knee to buckle in.


Side shuffles  (2 times)

            Defensive stance, shuffle sideline-to-sideline. Keep in a low, defensive stance, with back straight.


Backwards jogging (2 times)

            Slow jog sideline-to-sideline, landing on toes, do not lock knees.


Inchworms  (5 times)

            Feet together, hands on floor.  Walk hands out as far as possible, the walk feet in to the hands.  Repeat. Do not allow back to sag towards the floor.


Walking lunge stretches  (5 times each leg)

            Step forward with right foot and lunge, lowering left knee towards the floor.  Try to touch right elbow to floor beside the front foot.  Return to upright stance and repeat with left side.


STRENGTH   (5 minutes)


Front and side planks  (20 seconds, 2 times each)

            Prop up on forearms and toes, keep back straight for entire time.  If unable to keep back straight, allow support to be on knees instead of toes.


Alternating lunges  (10 times each leg)

            Assume lunge position, keeping front knee behind toes. Keep back straight.  Push with only the front leg into a standing position.


Russian hamstring curls  (10 times)

            High kneel position, arms at side.  Partner holds your ankles firmly.  Keep back straight and lean forward towards the ground as far as able, then return back to upright position.


Single-leg heel raises  (10 times each leg)

            Stand on one foot, arms at side.  Raise up onto toes then slowly lower back to the floor.


PLYOMETRICS   (4 minutes)


Lateral hopping   (30 times)

            Standing at sideline, feet together, slight bend in knees. Hop quickly over line and back, landing softly on the toes each time.


Forward / backwards hopping  (30 times)

Standing at sideline, feet together, slight bend in knees.  Hop quickly over line and back, landing softly on the toes each time.


Squat jump and hold  (10 times)

            Feet shoulder-width apart, explosive jump with both arms raising (as if going for a rebound), land softly on both feet with slight bend in knees, and hold for 2 seconds.  Do not allow knees to buckle in or out, knees should be over 2ndtoes.


Heisman’s   (10 times)

            Stand on one foot, explosive jump to side, landing softly on the other foot with a slight bend in the knee, hold for 2 seconds. Do not allow knees to buckle in or out, knees should be over 2nd toes.


 AGILITY   (4 minutes)


Single-leg dribbling squat  (5 times each foot)

            Stand on one leg.  Dribble basketball continuously throughout the exercise with the same hand. Slowly bend knee and squat towards the floor, return to standing, repeat 5 times. Do not allow knees to buckle in or out, knees should be over 2nd toes.


Single-leg floor touch  (5 times each leg)

            Stand on one leg.  Slowly bend forward at the waist and touch both hands on floor, return to standing and repeat 5 times.  Switch legs.


Forward run with 3-step deceleration   (30 seconds)

            Sprint forward 10’ then stutter-step to a stop, turn and repeat to other direction.  Do not allow knee to move forward beyond toes or to buckle in at the stops.


Diagonal run with 3-step deceleration   (30 seconds)

            Sprint diagonally forward 10’ then stutter-step to a stop, pivot-turn and repeat to other direction.  Do not allow knee to move forward beyond toes or to buckle in at the stops.

STRETCHING   (4 minutes)


Calf stretch   (Hold for 15 seconds, 2 times each leg)

            Stand with one foot against wall or door frame. Keep knee straight and lean forward, no bouncing.


Quadriceps stretch   (Hold for 15 seconds, 2 times each leg)

            Stand with one knee bent, using hand to pull heel against butt.  Keep knees together and back straight, no bouncing.


Hamstrings stretch   (Hold for 15 seconds, 2 times each leg)

            Place heel on a step or chair, keep knee straight and toes towards the ceiling.  Keep back straight and lean forward, no bouncing.


Hip Flexor stretch  (Hold for 15 seconds, 2 times each leg)

            Assume front lunge position, move front foot as far forward as comfortable.  Raise arms above head and drive hips forward, no bouncing.

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